
BlocklyProp reference for GRAPH blocks

For Propeller Activity Board WX (via USB connection only), Hackable Electronic Badge, FLiP, and Other board types.

The GRAPH blocks are used to generate a visual graph of data in BlocklyProp’s Graphing window.  This window will open automatically when you run a project that uses these blocks.

Do not try to use Graph and Terminal blocks in the same project.   The Terminal takes charge and will prevent the Graphing window from opening. You would, however, see some data values appear in the Terminal window.
Do not use the Graph blocks in a function that will be launched with the New Processor block.  It won’t work – the Graph needs to be used from your project’s main processor.

  • See the Graphing Data page of the Simple BlocklyProp Programs tutorial for an example project that doesn’t require any circuits.
  • Watch the YouTube video below to see the Propeller Activity Board WX receive and graph data from an analog sensor.


Graph initialize

Use the Graph initialize block at the beginning of your project to set the display area for the data that your project will graph. 

  • keep selects the minimum number of seconds of the latest data to display in the graph at a time. As the display fills, you may see the horizontal division values change if your project continues to send data for longer than the value you enter here.
  • y-axis selects a vertical scale option from the drop-down.
    • autoscale allows the y-axis to continuously adjust to best fit your data; you may see the vertical division values change as your graph plots.
    • range if selected will provide fields for entering minimum and maximum values.

Graph value


The Graph value block sends the attached value to the graph display.  Click the gear to display additional values from the same block; you will be able to label each value. Each value plotted is a different color, with a matching label and numerical data displayed in a box in the Graphing window’s upper right corner.