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Parallax WX Wi-Fi Module for Prop C

10 Weeks
All levels
19 lessons
0 quizzes
2 students

The Parallax WX Wi-Fi module opens up a whole new world of interactive Internet and web features to your microcontroller and robotics projects.  The 3.3 V DIP package (32420D) works well with the Propeller Activity Board WX.

What it’s about

The following tutorials will introduce you the Parallax WX Wi-Fi Module, and get it ready to work with your Propeller Activity Board (WX is strongly recommended).  Then you will create web interfaces for interacting with simple Propeller-controlled pushbutton, LED, and servo circuits. New to HTML and/or JavaScript? No problem. We’ll take you through fundamentals so that you can learn to create and optimize your own custom webpages.  Use the navigation below when you’re ready to get started.

Hardware needed

Application Hardware for Examples

Before you start

This guide assumes you’ve already got some Propeller C + circuit building experience.  If not, here are some nice getting started tutorials for Propeller C.