2-Axis Joystick

BlocklyProp reference for 2-AXIS JOYSTICK blocks

Only for Propeller Activity Board WX board type.

These blocks are for Parallax’s 2-Axis Joystick (#27800) used only with the A/D converter built into the Propeller Activity Board (original or WX). 

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Joystick x-axis

The Joystick x-axis block returns the horizontal position of the joystick, which can range from 0 to 100. 

Connect the Joystick’s L/R (x-axis) pin to a numbered A/D socket on the Propeller Activity Board WX, and then set the A/D drop-down to that socket’s number (0-3).

Joystick y-axis

The Joystick y-axis block returns the vertical position of the joystick, which can range from 0 to 100.

Connect the Joystick’s U/D (y-axis) pin to a numbered A/D socket on the Propeller Activity Board WX, and then set the A/D dropdown to that socket’s number (0-3).