About Multicore

The Propeller chip is a multicore microcontroller – it has eight processor cores inside that can run different pieces of code at the same time, sort of like having eight different brains working on individual tasks for a project. 

When creating a Blocklyprop project,  the main code you build runs in one processor.  The BlocklyProp Functions and Multicore tutorial explains more about how this works.

Blocks that Launch Processors

Throughout the Block Reference, look for this “brain” icon as an indicator that a block launches one or more cores automatically. See each block’s reference for details

    • new processor, +1 per block used.
    • standard servo, + 1, using up to 14 instances of this block will not launch additional processors.
    • CR servo, + 1,  using up to 14 instances of this block will not launch additional processors.
    • robot init, +1, use one block per project.
    • abcalibrate, +1 use one block in a stand-alone project with no other blocks.
    • ColorPal > ColorPal Init. +1 per block. May use more than one block per project.
    • GPS > GPS init, +1.  Use only one GPS init block per project.
    • Sound Impact > Sound Impact initialize, +1.  Use only one block per project.
    • RFID > RFID Initialize, +1. Use only one block per project.
    • Protocols > Serial initialize +1 per block instance.
    • RGB LEDs > RGB-LED init +1 per block instance.
    • XBee > XBee init, Use only one block per project.
    • WX Wifi > Advanced, Advanced WX Init, use only one block per project.
    • Voltage > D/A Channel, +1, whether using it for one or two channels.
    • PWM > PWM Init, +1, Use only one block per project.
    • WAV files wavplayer +2 (uses 2 while playing, 1 between tracks).