Scribbler 3 Robot Block Reference
Simple Control
The SIMPLE CONTROL blocks in BlocklyProp are used to build the basic structure of a blockly program. Use these blocks to add a program loop or pause.
Advanced control blocks can be found in the CONTROL category.
simple loop
The simple loop block endlessly repeats a set of block commands.
counted loop
The counted loop block repeats a set of block commands a certain number of times, then exits the loop. The number of times the loop will repeat is determined by the user; the default is 10. Only positive integers are allowed.
exit loop
The exit loop block stops a loop block from repeating its set of block commands, allowing the program to move on to block commands following the loop block. The exit loop block must be inside a simple loop, counted loop, or conditional repeat block.
simple wait
The simple wait block creates a pause/delay in the program. Only positive integer values are allowed. Unit choices are second(s), tenth(s) of a second, and millisecond(s). Each unit choice has a unique valid range of values; these ranges are displayed next to the unit in the dropdown menu. If a user enters a time value outside of the valid range, the block will use the closest valid value.